Enrico Bravi

Enrico Bravi is a graphic and information designer based in Vienna (AT). He graduated from ‘ISIA Urbino’ (IT) and earned a master’s degree at ‘Werkplaats Typografie’ in Arnhem (NL). His professional experiences across Europe—within companies, organizations, and cultural institutions in particular—have allowed him to develop a skill set that covers several aspects of visual communication, pertaining to both the fields of information design and book design, with a special focus on education.

Since 2008, he has been a regular lecturer in the fields of typography and information design. Professor for Graphic and Information Design at the New Design University in St. Pölten from 2015–2024, he is currently a lecturer at the Vienna Technical University, Faculty of Architecture.

Meta, Macro, Meso, Micro: developing a teaching model for data visualisation